KlipFolio Enterprise is an excellent tool to provide real-time information at-a-glance, you can use it as a simple desktop Widget to read custom RSS files or by downloading Klip files from KlipFolio site. These Klip files combines both an XML structure and a scripting language to operate from within the program.
Featuring big customers like Stapler, Lughansa, IBM and Intel, KlipFolio Enterprise leverages the power of enterprise management by providing a powerful, modern and simple to use desktop application that could be very valuable on critical business areas or departments like sales, marketing and CEO.
Thanks to this wonderful small application you can stay tuned from what happens with a lot of data sources, combined all together in a clean user interface that can be customized with a couple of great skins included with the program. Just imagine to extract all the information you need from local and remote sources in order to make good business decisions, updated whenever you need.
PLEASE NOTE: pricing is only available by request, and it depends on number of licenses.